
Treatment of kidney stones

Self-Care at Home:
  • Prevention is always the preferable way to treat kidney stones. Remaining well hydrated and keeping the urine dilute will help prevent kidney stones from forming.

  • Those who have never passed a kidney stone may not appreciate the severity of the symptoms. There is little a person can do with debilitating pain and vomiting other than seek emergency care. If this is the first episode and no previous diagnosis has been established, it is important to be seen by a physician as well. For those who have a history of stones, then home therapy may be appropriate. Most kidney stones, given time, will pass on their own, and treatment is directed towards symptom control. The patient should be instructed to consume oral fluids. Ibuprofen can be used as an anti-inflammatory agent, and if further pain medication is needed, contacting the primary care provider may allow stronger narcotic pain medication to be prescribed.

  • Please note, if there is fever associated with the symptoms of a kidney stone, this becomes a more urgent problem, and medical care should be accessed immediately.

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