
Causes of mouth cancer

No one knows why some people develop mouth cancer and others don't. However there are certain factors that make mouth cancer more likely. These are listed below.

  • Smoking tobacco - any form of smoking can increase your risk of getting mouth cancer including cigarettes, cigars and pipes, as well as bidis or hand-rolled cigarettes containing cannabis.
  • Chewing tobacco, such as betel quid, gutkha and paan - this tobacco accounts for the high level of mouth cancer found in countries such as India.
  • Drinking excessive alcohol, especially at the same time as smoking or chewing tobacco.
  • Having already had cancer of the head and neck - if you have already had this type of cancer, you are at risk of developing it again.
  • Spending a long time in the sun or under UV light is a risk factor for lip cancer, particularly if you have pale skin.

Other possible risk factors may include:

  • poor diet, lacking vitamins A, C and E and iron, selenium and zinc
  • infection with some strains of the wart virus human papilloma virus (HPV), some strains of which are also linked to cancer of the vulva, cervix and vagina

Mouth cancer can also develop if you have a type of cancer called Kaposi's sarcoma, which can affect any part of the skin. Kaposi's sarcoma is associated with AIDS, a disease that weakens the immune system. It is also associated with a weakened immune system - for example if you are taking medicines to suppress the immune system after a transplant.

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