The Healing Power of a Slinky Posted
"Diseases of the soul are more dangerous and more numerous than those of the body." ~ CiceroIn ancient Greece, doctors served the God of medicine, Askeplios, while healers served the God of health, Hygeia. Medicine means “the tool by which to restore health by correcting imperfections.” Health means “the natural order of things.” These are two contrasting views. So many prescription drugs simply suppress disease rather than correct disease. Sometimes suppression is beneficial and absolutely necessary. But as Dr. Andrew Weil says, by aligning with the natural order, one triggers the body’s tremendous healing capacity and need not be so dependent on the outside cure.*
The “natural order” might sound intimidating like a 30 day fast; or a special diet to suit your blood type; or a complex ayurvedic analysis. That’s all fine and good but “natural order” is so incredibly simple. The institute of hearmath in Colorado has proven what the yogis have practiced for 5,000 years. When a human being reaches a combined state of relaxation, positive emotion, and focus, heart rhythms change immediately. “A shift in heart rhythms may not seem important but in fact it creates a favorable cascade of neural, hormonal and biochemical events that benefit the entire body.”
How do you get to this combined state? No matter your stress, no matter your busy schedule, no matter your crazy life…you take the time to lie down right smack in the middle of your day and relax. As Sark said, "Healing doesn't care about the years or about the counting. I think it is timeless and without age. It waits for our souls to shift into acceptance."
Here are some tips on aligning with the “natural order" and triggering the body's healing capacity:
- Make Time
It’s all too often we don’t have time to exercise or relax or do something positive for the mind and body.
“If you don’t have time for exercise, you’ll have to make time for illness.” - Robin Sharma