Bone cancer

What is bone cancer

Bone is the supporting framework of the body. Most bones are hollow. The outer part of bones consists of a network of fibrous tissue called matrix onto which calcium salts are laid down. The soft tissue inside hollow bones is called bone marrow. At each end of the bone is a zone of, a softer form of bone-like tissue called cartilage.

Cartilage is made of a fibrous tissue matrix mixed with a gel-like substance that does not contain much calcium. Cartilage is softer than bone but more firm than most tissues.

Most bones start out as cartilage. The body then lays calcium down onto the cartilage to form bone. After the bone is formed, some cartilage may remain at the ends to act as a cushion between bones. This cartilage, along with ligaments and some other tissues connect bones to form a joint. In adults, cartilage is mainly found at the end of some bones as part of a joint. It is also seen at the place in the chest where the ribs meet the sternum (breastbone) and in parts of the face. The trachea (windpipe), larynx (voicebox), and the outer part of the ear are other structures that contain cartilage.

nside hollow bones is a space called the medullary cavity where bone marrow is found. In some bones the marrow is only fatty tissue. The marrow in other bones is a mixture of fat cells and blood-forming cells. The blood-forming cells produce red blood cells, white blood cells, and blood platelets. Other cells in the marrow include plasma cells, fibroblasts, and reticuloendothelial cells.

Types of liver cancer

Types of liver cancer

Some cancers begin in the cells of the liver itself – these are called primary liver cancer. More commonly, cancers start in cells in other organs of the body but then spread to the liver – this is called secondary liver cancer. Your doctor may use the term ‘liver metastasis’ (which is another way of saying that cancer has spread to the liver). It is possible for there to be several cancer deposits (metastases) in the liver.

There is more than one sort of primary liver cancer. One such type starts within the cells which make up most of the liver tissue – this is known as a hepatoma, or sometimes hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC for short).

Another type begins in the cells which line the tubes (or ducts) that carry the bile out of the liver – this bile duct cancer is known as a cholangiocarcinoma. Hepatomas usually occur in people who have an underlying liver disease, such as scarring of the liver (also known as cirrhosis) and can be a long-term result of chronic hepatitis. There is no association between cirrhosis and the development of cholangiocarcinoma.

However, in the UK, secondary liver cancer is about 30 times more common than these primary liver cancers. Secondary cancer occurs in people who have a primary cancer which has begun elsewhere. The usual sites in the body where primary tumours develop before spreading to the liver include the lung, breast, large bowel,
stomach and pancreas. Cancer cells usually spread to the liver from the primary tumour through the bloodstream.

Other, much less common, types of cancers can occur in the liver. These grow at different speeds. Your doctor will explain if you have one of these sorts of tumour.

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